The 8am Dilemma

OBVIOUSLY, I'm a fashion expert.

This semester, for me, is just about the easiest semester I think I will ever have in my college career. Not only do I have the same teacher for 3 of my classes, but she’s been sick for over half of the time class has met, so the intellectual level of discussion in the classes has dropped significantly. In addition to that lucky and somewhat unfortunate circumstance, I have only 2 classes on Mondays (one of which is Meditation and Relaxation), one class on Wednesdays (Photography), and no classes on Fridays. Needless to say, I am clearly living the hard-knock life. However, the one downfall to my easy MWF schedule is my Tuesdays and Thursdays: I have an 8am lecture class.  The problem with my 8am isn’t the class itself; I actually really enjoy Graphic Communications. And once I’m actually in the classroom, I’m wide awake and ready to tackle the day. Which leaves us with the ultimate 8am dilemma: WHAT DO YOU WEAR?!

Now, I’m no fashionista. In fact, if I attempt to put together an outfit by myself, I have to consult several people first before wearing it out in public. This being said, you will most likely see me wearing a t-shirt and either jeans or Nike shorts; I don’t make things very difficult for myself. However, there is the rare occasion that I might want to put a little effort into my outfit. When this does happen, people usually over-compliment me on my attire: “Well don’t you look super cute today!” “Why are you dressed up so fancy?!” That’s how rare it is for me to be seen looking put-together.

It’s the days that I have 8ams that are really the most confusing, though. There’s a happy medium: you don’t want to look like you rolled out of bed, but you also don’t want to look like you’re going off to prom. If you’re one of those people that actually do roll out of bed and go off to class, I commend you. I did this for a long time, but it came the point where I began to smell, so I had to make a change in my routine. If you can rock the whole ‘rolling out of bed’ tactic, by all means, keep doing it. And when I say ‘rolling out of bed’ I don’t mean literally getting out of bed and walking straight to class; pajamas are for sleeping and any pajama-themed event, people. What I mean is not showering, washing your face, touching your hair, or fixing your makeup (notice I didn’t say not brushing your teeth…for the love of all things human, please brush your teeth). Another note on the ‘rolling out of bed’ tactic: if you have a whole slew of classes immediately after your 8am, do not do this. I can guarantee that you will begin to smell and people will notice.

If you’re one of the people that feels the need to impress every living creature walking by you, then by all means, please continue waking up at the ass-crack of dawn to perfect your hair and makeup. You can look good enough for both of us. However, if you simply just want to look somewhat put together, you can’t go wrong with jeans. Especially at this time of year, jeans literally go with absolutely every single item of clothing you have in your closet (again, I’m no stylist, but for most people, this holds pretty true). And coming from experience, getting up a little earlier to bathe yourself and blow-dry your hair really isn’t the end of the world; it’s oftentimes worth the extra effort.

So here’s the ultimate dilemma: more sleep, less cleanliness vs. less sleep, more cleanliness. See? When I put it that way it’s a little bit harder to decide, am I right?…Okay maybe I’m the only one who would choose sleep over anything in life, but oh well.

*Note: Even when I was in high school, I rarely dressed to impress. More often than not, I would stumble in late wearing sweats, Uggs, a t-shirt and my Northface jacket. Keep in mind, however, that school started at 7:10, so I don’t need anymore of an excuse than that.